This past Saturday, I, along with several volunteers spent the day at an amputee veteran’s home doing a deep clean and rearranging furniture to help make his home more easily accessible to navigate.
Samuel is an Army veteran, living on his own, and loves to have someone to talk to, joke with, and share stories with. It was an honor to be able to serve him in this capacity.
I first met Samuel several years ago when my mom was his home healthcare nurse. The VA paid for her to come and sit with him two days a week for several hours. She would always tell him about her son that also served in the Army, including a tour in Iraq. The first thing I noticed about Samuel was his kind and gentle demeanor. When many, due to his current circumstances, might have been ill and bitter; Samuel was all smiles and laughter. He enjoys getting biscuits for breakfast, and will never let anyone at his house go without food! He is certainly a selfless, and caring man.
Unfortunately, due to the lack of hours available, mom had to take another nursing position which took her away from being able to care for Samuel. When I went to visit him, his same, kind and gentle demeanor was present, but also brought a loneliness and sadness with it.
Samuel’s story is not uncommon. He is one among many disabled and elderly veterans that simply need someone to care enough to sit and talk with them on a regular basis. I plan to take an hour or so each week just to swing by and check on my friend, and hope that as Veterans In Victory grows and expands its reach, many other “Samuel’s” will be cared for as well!
You can be a part of this story in several ways! Volunteer your time! As I have said many times before, we always make time for things we want to make time for. Reach out if you would like an opportunity to glean from these older warriors and hear their stories! Likewise, you can give and help support our mission! Again, we always find money for things we want! It’s all about priorities. Go to www.veteransinvictory/#give and choose the best option for you to support our fight!
Fighting for those who fought for us!
Stephen Underwood
Veterans In Victory Inc
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